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Foggy Waters


My Approach

In my coaching, I work with businesses and individuals who are looking to improve performance and achieve greater success. My clients include people from various sectors including schools, universities, professional services, investment banking and entrepreneurs.

Executive Coaching: About


  1. Awareness - Usually a 'chemistry' meeting to understand the client's background, goals and expected outcomes. I would typically explore the clients career/academic background, strengths and development areas and motivations. This process can be undertaken alongside a psychometric questionnaire (e.g. Myers Briggs.)

  2. Analysis - Depending on the situation, other stakeholders can be interviewed or feedback reviewed and a meeting is held to set expectations and agree objectives. One of the first steps is to review assessment data and clarify strengths and development areas. An action plan is then developed and a schedule of coaching meetings/calls confirmed where progress is reviewed and issues discussed.

  3. Action - Here the client focuses on specific changes to meet the action plan. These could include trying new behaviours and reporting them to the coach, strengthening key relationships, training programs and meeting other stakeholders for their input. The client and coach may be in regular communication to discuss successes and problems.

  4. Achievement - progress is reviewed. Feedback can be collected from stakeholders on client progress. Results are discussed and and refined as required. As the coaching sessions conclude, follow up can be arranged to ensure progress is maintained, accomplishments acknowledged and a final report on the outcomes of the coaching progress compiled.

Forest Lake
Executive Coaching: About
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